
LSMB 21-Day Challenge

Are you ready to make small changes that have HUGE impact in taking you where you want to go in your life?

Below are 21 Days of small changes you can make to improve your life and your way of thinking. Be the main part of your own rescue!

Each day apply the next step in consecutive order (i.e., Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.) THEN posted before you begin the next day’s step Go to  the LSMB Business Solutions Facebook Page  and post the Day of the Challenge you completed. 

This is your accountability step so don’t skip it…it is a very important part of your growth. Stay committed and get a partner, if needed.

For example: “I just complete Day #5 of the LSMB 21 Day Challenge!”

*CLICK ON THE “LSMB ON FACEBOOK” link to go to the Facebook page

21-Day Challenge
Day 1 Find a Mentor

(score.org has mentors for business owners)

Day 8 Subscribe to Merriam-Webster.com to learn a new word a day


Day 15 Do one thing you’ve been putting off
Day 2 Pick a Book to Read Day 9 Call someone you haven’t called in a while and say “hello.” Day 16 Create a Bucket List
Day 3 Set time 20 minutes earlier Day 10 Look up a way to volunteer Day 17 Say one empowering thing to a young person
Day 4 Bless a stranger Day 11 Learn 3 words in a different language


Day 18 Do one thing that makes you feel uncomfortable, but it makes you grow
Day 5 Take a picture of your Happy Day 12 Do not use Can’t for 24 hours Day 19 Go out of your way to help 2 people
Day 6 Search the web for a hobby Day 13 Teach one person something new Day 20 Drop one bad habit for 24 hours
Day 7 Write a letter to your future self and seal it for one year Day 14 Arrive 10 minutes earlier Day 21 Write down 3 things you learned about yourself in the past 20 days

This is challenge is totally voluntary. All rights reserved. LSMB does not assume any responsibility or liability for any charges incurred by participants.

Inbox Linda Murray Bullard on Facebook if you have any questions about the 21-Day Challenge.