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Be The “YOU” You Were Created To Be (originally posted March 2, 2016)

Today I get to have my life’s story streamed live for the entire world to see. Are there people who don’t like me? Yes. Are there people who say mean things about me? Yes. Are there those who seek to harm me? Sure. But, I have chosen to live my life in a space where I can freely celebrate others and people can freely celebrate me.
A few years ago, God told me I was enough. He spoke to my heart and said I didn’t have to be like anyone else. That was tremendously freeing. I begin to live as the person He created me to be. He said I had always been enough and would always be enough, just as He designed me.
That is how this journey started. I used to go along with bad ideas just to get along with the people who were making them. I used to try to please all the people who told me how I should feel, where I should go and what I should do. I found myself highly frustrated because I was not living in my own true purpose. I was being a puppet for them.
I am telling you this so you will know, even today I am not perfect. I still make mistakes and sometimes do things without thinking them all the way through. However, my heart is to help, never intentionally to do harm. Everyone does not like me for whatever their reason and that is okay with me as well. However, I get to choose the level of impact others have on my life.
Every day I choose ME and I choose my Happy! Those who are connected are blessed and those who are disconnected stay stressed. That’s just how it works. I did not write it or make it up, but I am enjoying the favor He has placed on my life as an example and a witness for His people so that they can freely come from under the bondage of others expectations and begin living the life He created them to live…a life that seeks to please Him and only Him. Stay blessed.