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The Effects of The Dash

What I’ve learned in the past two days is it doesn’t matter what day you are born or what day you die. What matters most is how you spent your dash. People from various socioeconomic backgrounds flowed in and out of Taylor Funeral Home for one reason…to pay their respects to Mr. Obbie Dial.


My Daughter-in-Love’s Father spent his life making impact on people at all ranks. He was beloved. He was admired. He was well known. He was respected. There were stories upon stories of how he loved on people, made them laughed, took their pictures, made them think…made them feel important and beautiful.

His picture taking skills are matched by few, his humorous antics were welcomed and enjoyed by all. He loved people and the people loved him back. His dash was spent well. Influencing lives, impacting people, leaving an imprint on hearts that tugged at heartstrings in his absence. Mr. Dial was a gentleman, a father, a friend, a classmate, a grandfather, a great grandfather. He was a good man who people drove from miles  to honor in his death. His untimely surmise will leave a void in so many lives, but his life filled a space in so many hearts.

May God keep Mr. Obbie Dial, Jr.’s daughter, Celestine Hampton, her brother, and the entire Dial family and friends during this very difficult time. LSMB dedicates a moment of silence for this champion of the human spirit for the impact he made and the effects of his dash.