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Magnifying the Possibilities (originally posted April 15, 2016)

There are enough things in life that we cannot do; however, there are plenty of things we can do and do very well. What if every time we think of something we cannot do, we immediately think of three things we can do? That’s right! We reverse that negative self-defeating thinking on the spot by thinking of some positive and productive things we can achieve.

By doing this, we increase our productivity and we increase opportunities to be pleased with ourselves, which means we increase our happiness.  Now, that’s worth celebrating, right? So the next time you start having that “stinking thinking” about what you are unable to do, reverse it and think of those things you can achieve! You are worth your best life!

Living Like Our Best Is Already Over?

When you look back at your greatest year, how long ago was it? Was it five, ten, twenty…thirty years ago?  Although it may seem impractical to some, some of us had our best year several decades ago. In our minds, that was our peak and that is the story we try to keep alive because that is when we felt our very best. Granted, it may be well worth remembering; however, what we are missing out on is the chance to recreate that experience, or better yet, to surpass it.

As long as we continue to be open to learning there are so many more “good” years in us. Therefore, why get stuck on just one. Our peak has yet to come. Every new day, every new year brings an opportunity to experience something spectacular; something so amazing that what we did in our youthful years could not compare because now we have wisdom on our side

Our well has not ran dry because we are replenishing it with knowledge each and every day. Let’s pull from our well of knowledge and use that knowledge to create more moments of awesomeness for ourselves and for those around us. Our best is year is just ahead of us!